

Photo by Phillip N on


A squadron of grackles descends

early this morning, clatter and squawk

iridescent purple-black travelers

pick through the dead leaves


toss with aimless abandon

snatch up bug or seed or centipede

chase away subordinates

from their grackle snacks


A sudden whoosh flings

wings to the trees

dark brush strokes on stark branches

leave the leafy lawn fluffed

massaged pleasure sighs

in the thin spring light

Alex 6


Photo by Berk Aktas on


Alex is sitting on a bench in the small bus station.  A fluorescent light flickers in the fixture above his head.  It is 3 a.m. and he’s waiting for daylight.  In four hours he’ll be able to get some coffee somewhere.  For now, he’s waits. 

He’s got his iPhone plugged into an outlet.  Even if it was charged, he couldn’t call anyone.  Certainly not Gram or his father.  They’d only yell at him for getting kicked out of the Hostel.  He did think about calling, and he weighed the options for several minutes.  His dad would just add this fuck-up to the long list he keeps of all Alex’s fuck-ups, going way back to high school.  Alex hears the Interlocutor’s voice calling him to confess.  He decides not to acknowledge him.  Instead he lights the remains of a cigarette he found in the bus station’s ashtray. 

The smokes keep his dreams in their place.  That’s why he was smoking in the Hostel’s kitchen.  The dream of the black corks coming at him to stop his breath was doing that throbbing thing.  Alex had to smoke or be suffocated.  He knew he’d be locked out if he stepped outside to smoke, so he opened a window and sat by it, blowing the smoke out carefully. 

            He got caught.  Someone saw him and called the manager, an Algerian guy with a really scary face.  Alex had to pack up all his stuff. He dragged the bags down the street to the bus station.  It was only after he got there that he realized he’d left his food in the fridge.  Maybe he can pick it up in the morning.

            He’s hungry now, but he’s used to being hungry.  In the City, at his mom’s, there was hardly ever anything to eat.  Sometimes she’d make some nasty bean concoction.  After he lost his SSDI, Alex had to guilt trip his mom to get a little cash for a sandwich.  And he’d have to listen to her go on about how she couldn’t afford to support him and he had to get back to handing out fliers so he’d make some money.

            Alex looks out the window to the edge of the parking lot.  He sees a small moving shape.  It’s the fox again.  She’s never very far away, but she usually stays in the shadows, like this.  She is after his liver and Alex has to be constantly vigilant when he’s outdoors in the nighttime.  Once he fell asleep in the park after smoking some really strong weed.  It was in the summer.  He fell asleep on the grass.  The fox came so close he could hear her panting.  She tried to bite his rib cage but he rolled away and she just got his shirt with her teeth.  He sat up and yelled and slapped at her snout.  She ran back into the trees.  Alex’s friends woke up and they were scared.  Scared of Alex, not the fox.

Winter Birds


Photo by Jack Bulmer on


The eagle holds lightning in its talons

Pointed shadow on bare earth

Eyes pierce the distance

Splits sky to rolling river

Beak breaks bones


Tail of feathers rusty red

She is the hawk,

Speckled breast white and brown

She wears the queen’s crown

Her throne the tallest pine


The sentinel jay of blue

Ornery as a pincushion

Testifying in the woods

Always first in line

Color proud, oh so loud


Miss Nuthatch comes knocking

Upside-down grayling

In her Sunday best

Black cap, white bib,

Used to be a nun


Fussy chickadee

Jaunty black beret

Speaks French with its mouth full

Complains to the chef

Too much millet, more peanuts!

Spectrum Service?


Photo by Veit – on


This past January, my home internet bill was $49.98.  In February it was $73.40.   “That’s a big hike,” I thought, so I logged in to my account.  My account page online wasn’t informative, so I opted to have a chat.  I got someone named Frank. Here is what I recall of the text conversation after the ID check-in:

Me: So, Frank, why has my bill gone up $24?

Frank: Let me look it up. (pause) You had a promotion that gave you a discount of $30, but it expired. 

Me: I’m a senior, and I’m trying to reduce my expenses.  Is there any way you can lower my bill?

Frank: (explanation about my current equipment that I don’t understand)  Do you have wi-fi?

Me: I don’t know.  I thought I did.

Frank: Our records show that you only have our modem.  Do you have a router, too? It’s a tower with a light.

Me: I don’t know. (I go look).  There’s a small thing with blinking green lights and a tower thing with a blue light.

Frank:  That’s our router.  It’s not on your service.  I need the serial number to add it to your account.

(I take a photo of the serial number with my iPhone and type it into the chat. Please note: I’m not totally technologically ignorant.)

Me: Are there any new promotions that could lower my bill?

Frank: No. But the router will add $5 a month to your account.

Me: Do you realize how hilariously aggravating this is?  I called because my bill went up and now it’s going to be even higher?

Frank: blah blah…policies…blah blah

Me: I know you’re not personally responsible for this, but it is totally absurd.

Frank: Is there anything else I can help you with?

Me: (      )

P.S.  My Spectrum bill is now $80.



Photo by Stijn Dijkstra on


Are you a keeper of the light?

Do you cradle a candle

fingers glowing

sheltering the flame?


Are you a keeper of the peace?

Do you cleave to the center

feet balanced

plumes unruffled?


Are you a keeper of love?

Do you offer a hand to another

as an equal

a sister or brother?


Are you a keeper of your soul?

Do you guard it like a sentry,

only allowing goodness

to pass through?